Petit format

The end school 2012

The end of school, my woks 2012

Undergrowth in springtime (1/5) - The end school 2012 - Polycarpe
Undergrowth in springtime

Sous-bois au printemps
Oil on canvas 46x38, status: private collection

The Cathy's House (2/5) - The end school 2012 - Polycarpe
The Cathy's House

La maison de Cathy
Oil on canvas 55x46, satus: private collection

The Vineyard at Mont-Saint-Père (Aisne) (3/5) - The end school 2012 - Polycarpe
The Vineyard at Mont-Saint-Père (Aisne)

La vigne à Mont-Saint-Père (Aisne)
Oil on canvas 55x46, satus: private collection

Chateau-Thierry early in the morning. (4/5) - The end school 2012 - Polycarpe
Chateau-Thierry early in the morning.

Château-Thierry tôt le matin.
Oil on canvas 61x38, satus: private collection

Snowy garden at Bézu-Saint-Germain (5/5) - The end school 2012 - Polycarpe
Snowy garden at Bézu-Saint-Germain

Jardin enneigé à Bézu-Saint-Germain (Aisne)
Oil on canvas 46x38, satus: available